
Help me plan an upcoming knitting project!

[covert-ops] light bulbSince half of the yarn for my planned Sanquhar Cowl seems to be on perpetual backorder, I’ve decided to work on another of Wendy Johnson‘s colorwork cowls: the Leftovers Cowl. Unlike Sanquhar, which I will be working in black and white, Leftovers pretty much calls for a riot of color. As luck would have it, I can do that.

There are a total of 13 motifs in the cowl, and each motif uses 2 colors of yarn. While the colors don’t have to be unique, I actually have 26 colors of yarn available for the project. What I don’t have is a good eye for pairing colors. (There’s a reason I wear black and/or white, you know.) This is where you come in. (more…)

Ask the Knitters: Which yarn should I get?

20141229-sanquhar_cowlI posted about the Sanquhar Cowl by Wendy D. Johnson a while back. Even though I’ve been obsessing about it ever since, it hasn’t hit my needles yet, for two reasons. First, I’ve been working on other projects. Second, I haven’t had the available funds for the yarn. Well, progress is definitely being made on the existing projects, so the first reason may not be a factor any more. And, some wonderful friends gave me a gift card to WEBS for Christmas, so I may be able to afford a bit of a yarn shopping spree.

I’ve narrowed down the yarn options to three potentials, and now I’m stuck.

This is where you come in. (more…)

Help meri choose beads.

If you’re here, you probably know that I’ve decided to knit the Shipwreck shawl, shown below. (More pictures available by following the link.) (more…)

I need your opinion. (Knitting, yarn, surprise!)

I’m setting myself up to use the wonderful gift certificates I got to Jimmy Beans Wool and Fire Mountain Gems. Why those two, in particular? Because I’m going to knit me a Shipwreck, and it calls for 1,311 yards of wool, and 5,000 beads.

Here’s where your opinion comes in.  (more…)

Paying for free stuff.

A friend made a post this morning that got me thinking. There are any number of web-/net-based services out there that are the modern-day equivalent of shareware. The services are available in two modes: free and premium (even if not using those words). The service in question in the original post was Spotify, but there are countless others out there.

My question to you is this: Which of these services do you actually pay for, and why? (Are there features behind the paywall that you want, or do you want to pay for a good product which you find useful, or both, or some other reason entirely?)
