Whoo! As predicted, the fourth installment of the SSMS™ showed up on Tuesday. You may recall that I have started three different iterations of this shawl, and have discarded one, because the yarn and I were not getting along with one another. So, the black and white Kauni is SSMS™ #2, and the new blue / purple Blue Heron is SSMS™ #3.
When the fourth installment of the pattern showed up, I was working on #3, so I kept working on through. The photo below represents a couple of pattern repeats of the work in progress. It’s coming along nicely, I think.

As for SSMS #2, I’ve alluded to the fact that I’d made some mistakes and corrected them. I was, however, only half right. I did, in fact, make mistakes. I did not correct them. So, last night I completely ripped it out and started over. I’m about 90% of the way through Part B right now, and should be fully caught up long before the next (and final) installment of the pattern shows up.
(I do actually do things other than knit, I swear. However, my pain levels have been pretty high, and my energy levels pretty low. This makes doing much of anything else difficult, so there’s been a bit more knitting than usual going on.)